inspire, create, imagine, enlight others, play.

lzk design

visual communication


Our Work

Who we are

Soledad Lazcano

Graphic Designer

I'm Soledad Lazcano, graphic designer from Buenos Aires. As a professional I had the chance to work in Argentina and outside the country as part of a diverse range of projects in graphic design and photography field, as leader or part of a team. The most outstanding experiences were being part of different design firms (clients such as MetroGas, John Deere, SKF) and Editorial Dossier (design and production of several magazines). We also created the magazine Nuestros Hijos, for the Latin American market in South Florida among other projects. I also had two teaching positions in Argentina.

lzk is building and communicating your identity. It's what we know, it's what we love to do. We find the one thing your brand can authentically be great at and then explore new creative ways to bring that to life so your brand becomes known for it everywhere.

lzk is visually obsessed, creatively inspired. Intuition and rationality aligned together in this chemical fusion of texture, color, words, images, function, meaning. We seek for inspiring and moving pieces with passion, listening carefully to your needs, and expressing the personality of your brand. Simplicity and clarity are our goals, with much attention to detail.

Let's work together on this!

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Have Questions?
Buenos Aires • New York
+1 (646) 322 9936

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